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Welcoming Canvas

By Puneet Agarwal, March 29, 2016

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True portfolio company Canvas launched their public beta today, unleashing their collaborative writing tool for development teams into the wild. Canvas, as Co-Founders Oren Teich, Max Schoening and Jonathan Clem describe it, is “notes for teams of nerds.” The tool allows teams to take notes and work on new product features in a hackable, integrated solution that makes it easy to share ideas. It’s an incredibly ambitious product, and we are very excited that more developers now have access to it.

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We first met Canvas through True alum and advisor Alex Bard, who worked with Oren at Salesforce (Alex’s company, Assistly, was acquired by Salesforce in 2011). Oren, Max and Jonathan want to build Canvas into an online product workbench—a tool they envisioned when working together at Heroku. Oren was GM and COO of Heroku, taking the company from 24-150 people. Jonathan went from Apple Store Genius to lead front-end engineer at Heroku, and Max was Founder of CloudApp and lead designer at Heroku.


Oren, Max and Jonathan are among the best product people we have had the pleasure of working with. Together, they are setting out to create the medium of thought and collaboration they always wanted, and we’re very excited to be a part of their story.

Oren, Max and Jonathan: Welcome to True!